Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay everyone... so after getting the referral information (very little information) and having that looked over here in the US by a doctor.. we have decided that we cannot say "NO" without seeing her... so we are leaving next week for Russia to see our LITTLE OLEYSA!

Keep her in your prayers and thought. We hope she is as healthy as she can be (after being in an orphanage since birth)...

Steve and I are hopeful for a good trip.

Be back soon!


  1. So happy for you!! Hopefully I will be following in your footsteps very soon. Until then I will live through you. :)


  2. Hi I have been silently following your blog and wanted to wish you luck on your trip and on meeting your daughter!

    We are using Happy Famalies as well and are registered in the same region as you.

    Will be looking for updates on your trip and how things are going.

