Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 2 in hotel with Olesya

The hotel is not an easy place to raise a 2 1/2 year old.. We again have her to sleep it is only 7:45 p.m.  WOW - 2 nights in a row...She was so exhausted.  Larisa brought some balloons and she had a fun time with them.  I forgot how just the simple things are the most fun for toddlers.

She's been good - considering we are in a hotel.. She's been eating well and getting better at understanding us and we are getting better at understanding her.  She has quite a vocabulary for a 2 1/2 year old... she can carry on conversations with the Russians in the hotel.  She is a flirt...

Well - gonna get some rest.
Tamra Stephen & Olesya


  1. I am so glad everything is going well considering you are in a hotel. Another thing if you get to a store - even the hard ware type store that is next to the hotel - it had some kids things in the window. Try to get anything with lights and/or sounds - they don't have those types of things really for them to play with so anything like that will surely make her happy. Something I learned with Nicholas is that even though she may be 2 1/2 she will gravitate towards younger baby toys simply because they never had them so it is all "new" for them so get things that are for younger ages she will truly enjoy them. Stacking cups and blocks as well.. Also rememeber if you don't want to lug everything back home you can hand them of to the driver at the airport when your heading home and tell them to get the toys back to the baby house to donate.

    Hugs from afar!!

